Plains of Promise (Wyoming Series Book 2) Page 6
She turned her head as Sarah and Amelia hurried into her tent. Amelia looked as anxious as Sarah did, and Emmie felt a wave of love for both friends. They truly did care about her. She didn’t know why they should, but they did, and she was grateful to both of them.
“What did the doctor say?” Sarah laid a cool hand on Emmie’s forehead.
Emmie bit her lip. There was no use trying to keep it from them. “I’m going to have a baby.”
Sarah’s eyes widened, and she gaped before she recovered her composure. “Oh, Emmie, that’s wonderful! When?”
Amelia clapped her hands in delight. “It will be such fun for us to raise our babies together. We’ll have all kinds of good advice for you by the time the wee one arrives.”
Emmie was grateful for the way they were hiding the dismay they must both be feeling. “I’ll be fine in a day or two, and I promise not to be a bother, Sarah. I’m supposed to be helping you.”
“Oh, pish posh, I don’t need any help. I just needed company. You’ll be even better company now that you know what we’re going through.”
“But what will Rand say?”
“What do you mean?” Sarah seemed genuinely puzzled. “What could he say? He loves kids.” She fluffed up Emmie’s pillow and pushed her down against it. “Now you just quit your fretting and get some rest. Everything is going to be just fine. You’ll see.”
Emmie allowed herself to be tucked into the quilts and furs as the fire in the stove threw out welcome warmth and cheeriness. She didn’t know what the future might hold, but with friends like the Campbells, it would surely be all right.
Indeed, Emmie found that Rand treated her no differently than he always had over the days that followed. He was just as solicitous of her as he was Sarah. He truly did not seem to mind the change in the bargain they’d struck, and Emmie began to relax. She was not sure if Rand told Isaac, but he didn’t stop by as often as before. As the days passed and the chilly October wind blew while the fort prepared for winter, she told herself she didn’t care if he came by or not. All men were fickle at best and treacherous at worst.
Early one sunny day in late October, Rand announced their permanent quarters were ready to move into. Several soldiers showed up eager to be of service, and they soon had their few possessions hoisted on their shoulders and hauled across the parade ground to the three-room quarters. It was similar to what they’d left behind in Fort Laramie in layout but smaller in size. The fresh-cut pine boards still oozed sap and smelled of newly milled lumber. The fresh plaster walls looked clean but stark, with no trim around the windows or floor. The kitchen was bare of accessories but serviceable and clean. Emmie was so glad to be out of the tent, she didn’t care how it looked.
“It’s plain, I know, but I’ll knock together a dry sink and corner cupboard as soon as I can,” Rand said apologetically.
“Already done, partner,” Isaac’s voice broke in. He grinned as he set a sturdy sawhorse down against the wall. “Be right back.” He stepped outside and came right back in with another one, which he placed a couple of feet away from the first. Then he brought in four rough planks of wood and laid them over the sawhorses. “This is the very latest in Fort Phil’s kitchen decor. All the best-dressed kitchens have one. And I have it on the best authority that it makes a dandy ironing board as well.”
“Isaac, you darling!” Sarah exclaimed. She ran to hug him.
“Don’t I get a hug from you, too?” he asked Emmie with a grin.
Emmie felt the warm blood rush to her cheeks. He hadn’t shown his face for days and now he showed up talking about hugs. “Maybe when we get the chairs,” she said awkwardly. She flushed again when he laughed. What a stupid thing to say, she told herself disgustedly. But he’d caught her off guard.
“I’ll hold you to it,” he chuckled as he walked away.
Emmie was amazed how easily she and Sarah adapted to their rough surroundings. She’d never had nice things growing up, but Monroe had insisted on the finest of everything, and she had found herself enjoying every luxury. Now she was content with the barest necessities.
They delighted in fixing up their tiny home over the next few days. They begged some wool blankets from the quartermaster and tacked them together to make rugs for the parlor and bedroom floors as well as for the small area in the hall that was partitioned off for Emmie. Rand came in with a triumphant smile one afternoon with his booty of blue gingham for curtains and tablecloths. With Sarah’s little knickknacks around, the place looked very homey. Several of the other ladies were very friendly and stopped by with invitations to tea and some small offerings of household items.
“I think I’ll go for a walk,” Emmie told Sarah one evening after the supper dishes were done. Rand had taken Joel and gone out to make some rounds, and things were just too quiet for Emmie. She didn’t like having too much time to think. “The wind isn’t blowing too hard for a change. I’m going crazy cooped up inside. Want to come along?”
“I don’t think so. Rand tore his britches on some cactus yesterday, and I promised I’d mend them. Why don’t you ask Isaac or one of the other officers to escort you? Any of them would jump at the chance.”
“No thanks. I don’t mind going alone.” Emmie shied away from the thought of Isaac. She had tried to avoid him ever since he brought by the camp chairs for the kitchen while she was taking their laundry to Soapsuds Row two days ago. He’s surely forgotten all about that stupid remark I made, she told herself.
The cool night air felt invigorating, but Emmie shivered as wolves howled outside the stockade. She wrapped her cloak more tightly around her as she strolled along the sawdust path in front of the officers’ quarters. She decided to wander in the direction of the front of the stockade.
“Mind if I join you?” A tall shadow came toward her, and she flinched back before she recognized Isaac’s smiling face.
“There’s really no need. I’m perfectly all right. I just wanted a walk.” Her pulse quickened and she took a step back.
“I could use a chance to stretch my legs myself.” He fell into step beside her. “Did you have someplace special in mind to go or shall we just look in some windows?”
She chuckled in spite of herself, then glanced at him hesitantly. He probably wouldn’t let her do what she planned. “I know Rand said to stay away from the stockade perimeter, but I wish I could climb up in the blockhouse and look out over the wall for just a minute. I’m so tired of seeing the same things day after day. I haven’t been outside the confines of this fort in weeks.”
Isaac was silent for a minute. She shivered again as she heard a pack of wolves howl off to her right, but Isaac relaxed at the sound. “Those are real wolves and not Indians. I guess it wouldn’t hurt for just a minute. But you have to promise to get away from the wall the minute I say we have to leave.”
“I promise,” she said excitedly. He was really going to take her!
Isaac led her past the hospital and warehouses and through the tangle of hayricks and shops and quarters for wagon makers and saddlers. He stepped carefully and pointed out piles of manure and mud for her to avoid before stopping outside the blockhouse. “Let me tell the soldiers on duty what we’re doing,” he said. He disappeared inside the door and returned several moments later with a smile on his face.
“What’s so funny?”
“I told Corporal Lengel I wanted to show you the moon on the Little Piney River.”
“He’ll think—”
“Well, I had to give him some reason.”
Emmie flushed as she followed Isaac’s broad back up the ladder. She didn’t want anyone getting the wrong idea about her and Isaac. Rumors could run through their little community like a herd of thundering buffalo. The corporal grinned knowingly as they brushed past him to get to the window.
“Call when you’re finished here, Captain,” he said, his grin widening as he backed down the ladder.
“Now see what you’
ve done,” Emmie said. She was glad it was too dark for Isaac to see her hot cheeks.
Isaac just laughed. Ignoring her outburst, he pointed out the window. “Look at the river.”
Emmie looked and caught her breath. The trees along the river looked as though they were made of diamonds. The moon glittered on their coating of heavy frost and the iced-over river caught the shimmering reflection and bounced it back. She longed to run out and skate along its shining surface. She leaned out the window, but Isaac caught her arm and pulled her back.
“Don’t do that! There could be Sioux out there just waiting to put an arrow through your pretty head.”
Emmie swallowed hard and shrank back against his side. A warning bell rang inside her head as she realized how close he was. She straightened up and started to pull away, but he caught her and turned her to face him.
“A real lady always pays her debts, you know.”
“What do you mean?” Her heart thundered in her ears. She knew what he intended and put up one hand against his chest. She could feel the thud of his heart under her fingers. She knew she should run as fast as she could, but his warm male scent was intoxicating.
His voice was husky as he leaned closer. “I distinctly remember you promising me a hug when I brought the kitchen chairs. It’s been two days and I haven’t gotten my hug yet. I think I’d better charge you a little interest.”
He gathered her closer. Emmie stared mesmerized as he bent his head. She smelled the warm scent of his skin as his lips found hers, and she found herself responding in spite of her resolve. His kiss was gentle at first but began to turn into something else as she finally gathered her strength and pulled away.
“That was more than a little interest!” She was trembling in spite of the warmth of her cloak.
“I think it was just perfect.” He traced a finger along the curve of her cheek. “Just like you.”
“I–I’d better get back.” She swallowed hard. “Sarah will be wondering about me.”
He nodded and let her go. She kept a wary eye on him as she took one last look out the window, then hurried down the ladder. She didn’t wait for him but struck off toward the officers’ quarters.
“Wait up, Emmie. What are you so scared of? I won’t hurt you.”
“I–I don’t want you to think I’m the sort of girl who dallies in the moonlight,” she gulped, her voice nearly inaudible. “Just because I’m a widow doesn’t mean I’m looking for someone to fill in for Monroe.”
“I never thought you were.” Isaac’s voice was cold. “That husband of yours must have been a piece of work for you to be so prickly, but you don’t need to lump all of us men in the same pot of stew. I wouldn’t want to do anything to dishonor you or my God.”
“Don’t you say anything about Monroe! You don’t know anything about him.” She was near tears. Isaac’s mention of dishonor flooded her with shame and guilt. She’d had all she could bear of the soaring heights of love; she knew all too well how hard the blow was when the time came to come back to earth.
“I know he must have hurt you badly. When you arrived at Fort Laramie, you were like a stray dog everyone had kicked too often. I left you alone to lick your wounds, but it’s time for you to put the past behind you and get on with your life.” He swept his arm expansively. “This is a new country out here. You can forget Indiana. God sent you out here to make a new life for yourself. Don’t throw His gift back in His face.”
“I am making a new life. It just doesn’t include kisses in the moonlight with you or anyone else,” Emmie said softly, near tears. His tender kiss had awakened feelings she didn’t want stirred.
“Maybe I’m rushing you a little,” Isaac said. He stepped back away from her. “But I’ll be here when you decide to quit living in the past.” He turned and strode back toward the officers’ quarters.
Emmie’s throat burned with unshed tears as she mounted the steps to the door. I just don’t want to be hurt again, she thought, trying to compose herself. He’s only interested because there aren’t any other unmarried women here, she told herself firmly. If we were in Indiana, he wouldn’t give me a second glance. She’d never felt she was a lovable person until Monroe came into her life. And after he’d done what he did, she was sure there was something inherently wrong with her. No one had ever loved her for herself. Not even her family.
Sarah looked up as she came in. “Did you have a nice walk? Oh—” She broke off when she saw the look on Emmie’s face. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I’m just tired.” Emmie forced a smile to her face. She felt Sarah’s probing eyes, but she refused to meet her gaze. “I think I’ll turn in early. I’ll see you in the morning.” She fled to the meager haven of her curtained-off bedroom. Sarah wouldn’t understand, she told herself. She’d like to see her marry Isaac and settle down next door. But that wasn’t going to happen, she vowed as she slipped between the cold sheets. Men just couldn’t be trusted. Under his exuberance and flattery, Monroe had been just like her brothers and father. Just as selfish and deceitful. Isaac was no different. He was just hiding it like Monroe had done. Monroe’s kisses had seemed tender and loving, too.
The next morning was Sunday. Emmie hummed as she donned her best dress and pulled her raven hair back in a ribbon. She’d managed to vanquish thoughts of Isaac in the night and was determined not to let him unsettle her. A church service would actually be held in the little post chapel today. A chaplain had arrived earlier in the week and would lead the little post’s first service.
She’d never attended church in Wabash other than an occasional wedding. Her pa didn’t hold with religion, even though he bellowed out hymns when he was drunk. Emmie always wondered where he’d learned them. He never talked much about how he was raised and she never knew her grandparents. Her pa always said religion was a crutch for weak people, but personally, Emmie thought the liquor was more of a crutch. She wanted to know more about what made her friends so different. Maybe it was their religion. Church should be interesting.
Sarah looked at her sharply as she pushed the curtain back and stepped into the parlor. “You seem in a fine mood today.”
“It’s a beautiful morning for a church service,” Emmie said. “I’ve never been to a real church service. Only weddings.”
“Rand is so disappointed to miss it. He has orders to lead a squad to guard the wood detail. I promised to tell him all about it tonight.”
The chapel was a small cabin with seats that were rough backless benches oozing sap. A small stove in one corner of the room belched out smoke along with a little warmth. Emmie, Sarah, and Joel sat on the second row beside Amelia.
The chaplain, Reverend Howard, was a nervous young man with thin, pale hair and a straggly mustache. He read from Isaiah 43:1–2: “ ‘Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.’ ” He closed his large Bible and cleared his throat. “Though it seems we are compassed about by the enemy in this place, God tells us to fear not. He is with us and He will be our shield and comfort.”
Although he stammered occasionally as he spoke of God’s protection, Emmie was drawn by the words. Was the minister right? And Isaac? She glanced at the back of his head in the row in front of her. He leaned slightly forward in his seat as he listened intently. Did God really care about her in a personal way? She’d never doubted the existence of God, but in her mind, He was a powerful being who looked down on mere mortals with distant interest. Oh, He might deign to involve Himself in the moving of nations and history, but He wasn’t concerned with the small day-to-day heartbreaks of an ordinary person like her. But was He? Did He send her out here to such good friends as the Campbells because He loved her and cared for her? The thought was comforting, and she wished she could believe it. It would be nice to be a
ble to rest in His protection like the minister said. Emmie sighed. She’d have to think about it.
As the service ended and they stood to leave, Isaac’s eyes caught hers for just a moment. She looked away quickly as Frances Grummond called to them. She was glad for an excuse to turn away from Isaac’s warm eyes. The look in his gaze threatened to upset all her carefully laid plans to keep her distance.
“Yoo hoo, Emmie.” Frances waved at them from across the room. She was a petite brunette with softly rounded curves and a delightful southern accent. She, too, was expecting a baby soon. She hurried over when she saw she had her attention. “I’m having tea at my house. Won’t you all join me?”
Sarah smiled and clapped her hands. “The very thing! I’ve gotten so tired of those same four walls. What can I bring?”
“I have everything prepared. I know my lack of cooking prowess is legendary, but my husband has secured the services of Private Brown as cook. His scones are exemplary.”
“Sounds lovely,” Amelia said with a gentle smile. “Our men are out on wood detail or guard duty. What time do you want us?”
“Oh, about three. Bring your mending or whatever and we’ll have a fine time of chatting. Mrs. Horton is joining us, also.”
The three thanked her again and hurried toward home, after waving good-bye to Joel, who went off quite happily with his friend, Jimmy Carrington. The fierce October wind whipped their cloaks about as they fought to keep their balance in the gale. Emmie had to keep a hand on her hat to prevent it from blowing away. Sometimes she thought she’d go mad from the wind. It never seemed to stop. Not even in the summer, Sarah said.